Saint Louis Watercolor Society February Program
By Barbara Martin Smith, SLWS
Jazz and Abstract Expressionism
Impressions, Improvisations, Compositions
By Barbara Martin Smith, SLWS
Jazz and Abstract Expressionism
Impressions, Improvisations, Compositions
Both Jazz and Abstract Expressionism are uniquely American Art Styles reliant on confident impressions, improvisations, and compositions. The focus of the February SLWS program will be on slide viewing while making connections between themes in jazz and painting as well as stories of the artists and their work. Examples and explanations of some approaches to originating visual forms with my students will help connect the energy of Abstract Expressionism with the complex realities of the creative process. Additionally, I will share some recent watercolors where I have tried to apply some of these ideas.
Are you a Kandinsky? Will the music move you? Come see!
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